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5M Prize! JDB Bonanza End of Winter

JDB Bonanza End of Winter

JDB’s New Event Started at MWCASH Casino.
“JDB Bonanza End of Winter”
Play eligible JDB games and win cash prizes.
Big event with a maximum prize of PHP 5M🔥

Prize: 5,000,000 PHP


  • Play listed 12 games, bet ₱4,500 get 1 ticket
  • Max 50 tickets every day
  • Click Roll button for free bonus (Mobile ONLY)
  • Bet settled at 12:00 PM every day, and ticket will be issued at 13:00 PM
  • All tickets must redeem before 18th, MAR 2023, 12:00 (PM) (GMT+8)
  • Company reserves the right to amend, suspend or cancel the promotion at any time

Eligible Games


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