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6M Prize Pool! JDB Bonus Challenge of August

JDB Bonus Challenge of August

JDB New Event Started! “JDB Bonus Challenge of August”.
Play JDB’s Games and Win Prize!!

Prize: 6,000,000 PHP


  • Bet 12 bonus games for ₱1,600 to get 1 ticket(1) instantly
  • Bonus Claim: redeem 1 ticket to get random bonus
  • Bonus Open:
    Click treasure box for bonus and start challenge mode(2), bet on 4 challenge games with 1X turonver for bonus(3)
  • Bonus Cancelled: challenge mode would be expired in 48 hours or at event close
  • All tickets must redeem before 16th, AUG 2023, 12:00 (PM) (GMT+8)
  • Company reserves the right to amend, suspend or cancel the promotion at any time


1: Max 60 tickets every day
2: Challenge mode will stay for 48 hours, and must finish before ticket redeem time
3: EX: Bonus claim on 07/08 19:00 PM get ₱100 bonus and start challenge mode, bet ₱100 turonver to get ₱100 bonus. Challenge mode will expire on 09/08 19:00 PM

Bonus Games

12 Bonus Games

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