7M Prize Pool! JILI Happy Moon Festival

MWCASH Casino New Event “JILI Happy Moon Festival” Started.
Play JILI’s bonus games and get prize!
MWCASH is hosting an abundance of Moon Festival events this month!
Check out the ranking of JILI’s most popular games and play them.
Prize: 7,000,000 PHP
- Bet 12 bonus games for ₱8,800 to get 1 ticket(1) instantly
- Bonus Claim: redeem 1 ticket to get random bonus
- All tickets must redeem before 09th, SEP 2023, 12:00 (PM) (GMT+8)
- Company reserves the right to amend, suspend or cancel the promotion at any time
1: Max 100 tickets every day
2: Challenge mode will stay for 48 hours, and must finish before ticket redeem time
3: EX: Bonus claim on 16/08 19:00 PM get ₱100 bonus and start challenge mode, bet ₱100 turonver to get ₱100 bonus. Challenge mode will expire on 18/08 19:00 PM
Bonus Games
12 Bonus Games