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Tournament events “PGSOFT Slot Tournament June 2023” started.
214 players have a chance to win daily prizes!
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PGSOFT Slot Tournament June 2023

PGSOFT Slot Tournament Apr 2023

Terms and Conditions

  • PG Platform
  • Single Bet Winning more than 30,000 will be ranked
  • List 214 Ranking

Tournament Rewards

  • Daily Reward
    1st Prize 8,000 peso
    2nd~3rd Prize 3,000 peso
    4th~14th Prize 1,000 peso
    15th~214th Prize 200 peso
  • Weekly Reward (Daily Top Winning would be Required)
    1st Prize 10,000 peso
    2nd Prize 5,000 peso
    3rd Prize 3,000 peso
    4th~113th Prize 200 peso

Points to be Noted

(1) Ranking could delay for 5 minutes and would reward to your account by 13:00 every day.
(2) Bet on challenge games with 2X turnover for prize.
(3) Challenge would be expired in 48 hours or at event close.
(4) EX: Receive prize on 25/06 13:00 PM get ₱100 and start challenge, bet ₱200 turnover to get ₱100 bonus. Challenge will expire on 27/06 13:00 PM.

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PGSOFT Game Ranking June 2023

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